Personal, Social, Health and Economic
(PSHE) Education

The aim of the PSHE programme at Lancing College is to equip our young people with the skills, dispositions and knowledge to enable them to play a fully-fledged role in the modern world.

About the Curriculum

PSHE is taught in all year groups at the College in weekly timetabled lessons during the academic timetable. 

The subject covers a whole range of topics which have direct relevance to the skills of everyday living and to key life choices concerning values, ways of living and relationships. The College follows the statutory obligation to deliver Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) as part of the PSHE programme.

It is taught through lectures, seminar and enrichment in Years 12 and 13. Furthermore the subject matter is integrated and extended through our pastoral House systems. The programme uses expertise from within the school such as the safeguarding team, pastoral staff, the school counsellors, the Director of IT, staff of the Health Centre and staff from across a range of departments. In addition external speakers are carefully selected to add expertise in specific areas. 

In all year groups, the key areas of self-awareness, citizenship, inter-personal skills and health are covered and age appropriate RSE occurs in all years. The educational concept is to develop a spiral method of learning, preparing students with increasing knowledge of facts, skills and personal attributes that they can hopefully draw on in crunch moments throughout their lives.

Whilst pupils are presented with a variety of opinions for their consideration, these sessions are framed by the context of the College as a Christian foundation striving to provide a safe and supportive environment in which each pupil feels valued as an individual. As far as possible, matters of information are intertwined with moral issues. Housemasters/Housemistresses and Tutors too are encouraged to follow up PSHE matters with the pupils in their care.

Learning Approach

Students are predominantly taught in house groups. The programme is revised each year in response to feedback from stakeholders including students, parents and staff to ensure that it remains relevant and suitable for the school community. 

There is considerable opportunity for cross-curricular learning, with PSHE topics also being addressed in, for instance, Religious Education, Biology, Business Studies, Economics and PE.

Overview of topics covered in the Sixth Form (Years 12–13):

Year 12Work experience
Sexual harassment
Effective body language
Cultural identity
Pregnancy and parenthood
Responsible use of alcohol
Body image
Maximising personal skills
Personal safety – managing dangerous situations
Personal finance – managing money
Job applications
Interview practice
Workplace skills
Online reputation and work
University applications
Year 13Sexual harassment
Effective body language
Discrimination and marginalisation
Race and identity in modern Britain
Personal finance – taxes and earnings
Recreational drugs
A Level study skills and revision
Preparing to leave home
Mental health
Healthy eating
Safer driving
Personal safety
Voting and democracy
Digital networking
University finance